Did Obama have a personal vendetta against Cambridge cops? (updated)


Newsmax may have stumbled upon the real reason President Barack Hussein Obama (D) was so critical of the performance of the Cambridge police. 

One reason Barack Obama may have been so critical of the Cambridge Police Department is that he might have a grudge against the law enforcement agency.

Obama, who attended Harvard Law School from 1988 to 1991, lived in Cambridge and apparently didn't like the fact he was frequently hit with parking tickets.

In all, Obama received 17 tickets for parking violations, and he did not pay 15 of them until a local newspaper exposed him as a scofflaw.


Obama received 17 parking tickets in Cambridge between 1988 and 1991, mostly for parking in a bus stop, parking without a resident permit and failing to pay the meter, records from the Cambridge Traffic, Parking and Transportation office show.

Racial profiling by ticketing cars parked in the wrong place and failure to pay a meter. Ask Professor Gates about this.
But never fear.  Our president is scofflaw no longer.  More than 17 years after receiving his tickets, and being dunned for them
The Illinois senator shelled out $375 in January - two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign - to finally pay for 15 outstanding parking tickets and their associated late fees.

Jen Psaki, a spokeswoman for the Obama campaign, dismissed the tickets as not relevant. (snip)"He didn't owe that much and what he did owe, he paid," Psaki said on Wednesday. "Many people have parking tickets and late fees. All the parking tickets and late fees were paid in full."

Oh, Obama didn't owe that much so he could at his convenience and only when he ran for public office.

Definitely a case of racial profiling.  Not!

Update - Rosslyn Smith writes:

When I was applying for the Illinois bar exam I recall several class mates groaning that they would have to pay all their outstanding parking tickets in order to meet the character and fitness standard.  The inquiry about outstanding parking tickets is currently question 51 on the application.  
Several of the other questions may also be of interest to readers. 
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