Obama's Head Full of Academic Yada Yada

Obama is a symbol of everything wrong in higher education today:He has graduated Columbia and Harvard  Law School with a head  full of a fluff, no substance. He throws around words that are in vogue among the academicians, but it is clear that he (and probably they) have no notion of what they mean. Even Democrat Mickey Kaus catches on today that Obama doesn't know what he's talking about when he's talking about his own health plan.   

Professor Ann Althouse made a similar observation yesterday re Sotomayor and Obama's use of "empathy".
I recall that in the soft courses to get an "A" you really had to come up with an outre take on stuff that had been studied from the beginning of time. Smart kids knew that was because professors liked to be able to read something new in stacks of blue books to keep from falling asleep -- they did not take this nonsense seriously. Apparently, Obama does.
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