Obama's Teachable Moment

President Obama said he hopes for a "teachable moment" in the Gates incident. Well, it is, but not for the reasons Obama thinks.

The greatest impact is not his own racial profiling of a white Cambridge cop or the missed opportunity to mediate some racial healing (see also his speech to the NAACP). No, the most salient fact is that we have a president who, by his own admission, reaches conclusions and makes decisions without having all the facts.

Substitute his strident calls for action on the economy, global warming, healthcare, etc., in the phrase "I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role [insert issue here] played in that", but I have determined that we must act now , no matter the cost or negative effects on people's lives!

There are people who make uninformed decisions without regard for consequences like Obama; businessmen lose companies, doctors lose patients, and individuals lose family, friends and fortune.

They are charitably called inept.  Most of us would call them stupid. It is frightening to realize what we will lose as a result of Obama's stupidity. It is even more than frightening, knowing that he's "acting stupidly", to think that he might get away with it.
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