Waxman: 'GOP rooting against USA'

The old codger equates loving Obama with loving America:

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who has had an eventful couple of weeks to say the least, believes House Republican opposition to climate change legislation and the stimulus indicates they're cheering against the good ol' US of A.

"It appears that the Republican Party leadership in the Congress has made a decision that they want to deny President Obama success, which means, in my mind, they are rooting against the country, as well," the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman told WAMU radio host Diane Rehm on Tuesday morning, promoting his new book, "The Waxman Report."

Still, he said that one House Republican leader, speaking to him after the climate change squeaker, predicted that "a lot" of GOP-ers would vote for the (presumably) weakened bill when it emerges from the Senate.

Not if they know what's good for them. Weakened or not, any Republican who votes for cap and trade is going to wish for a merciful political death by the time we're through with them.

Glenn Thrush of Politico got this story on Waxman who, now in his dotage, obviously needs to untwist his Depends that are riding a little high and cutting off circulation to his head. Anyone who equates political opposition with hate for their own country probably believes that a stint in a re-education camp is needed. Or maybe, just a simple execution would suffice.

Waxman is one of those super-annuated fossils who should have retired a decade ago but is so senile he can't find the door. He is an embarrassment to the Democratic party and should be put out to pasture for the good of the nation.

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