A health care reform confession

Recently, White House flack Linda Douglas asked us as citizens to report to the White House those who are using a negative tone about the President's health care initiative in disseminating 'disinformation' about what is known as ObamaCare. 

In accordance with that exhortation I must reluctantly confess that I am one of those citizens who are not only harboring those negative, unpatriotic thoughts about this most important subject but talking to my friends about it in an unfriendly manner.  You see, I have been convinced by the yawning gap between the recent words of our Democratic leadership and the reality of what they have so far produced that they are being deeply disingenuous in their pronouncements to the American people. I am also convinced that even if their intentions are what they say they are, the reality is that they would never be able to deliver on their promises. 

I know that because we already have an example of the difference between wish and reality in our Medicare and Medicaid programs.  I am uninterested in debating the efficacy of these programs, only to note that they have truly astounding levels of waste, fraud, and abuse and are so woefully underfunded that they constitute a threat to our fiscal solvency going forward.

Unfortunately, there is no line item in their budgets for waste, fraud, and abuse that they could cut with a wave of their magic wand. It is really hard to do that, and besides, the systemic problems are such that it would, even if practical, make only a small dent in the yawning deficits.  So I am left to confess that unless and until you and your vast array of analysts and implementers can find a way to fix the many and manifest problems with the governmental system we have now, I will steadfastly oppose any attempts to institute new experimental programs to 'solve' our health care dilemma.

In other words,  until you guys can convince me that you aren't just a bunch of monkeys trying to screw a football, you won't get a lick of support from me.

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