Axelrod a tool of Big Pharma

David Axelrod, who is fond of calling the town hall protestors astroturf mobs, appears to have a few conflict of interests with the health care reform proposals being put forward by his boss, President Obama.

Axelrod headed up AKPD Message and Media - a firm that the Obama presidential campaign paid more than $340 million to place ads for the candidate. He resigned on December 31 to join the administration, and the firm is now run by his son.

The problem is, he is still owed money by the firm. And wouldn't you like to know where that money is coming from?

How about from a coalition of businesses calling themselves "Healthy Economy Now (HEN)" connected to the health care debate?

Timothy Burger writing in Bloomberg:

HEN's other members, according to its Web site, are the AARP, the biggest advocacy organization for retirees; the Advanced Medical Technology Association; the Business Roundtable; Families USA; the Service Employees International Union, all based in Washington, and the American Medical Association based in Chicago. PhRMA represents 28 drugmakers, including New York-based Pfizer Inc. and London-based GlaxoSmithKline Plc.

Larry Grisolano, a partner at AKPD, said his firm and GMMB are splitting the fees on the $12 million campaign, though neither firm would specify its take. In an e-mail, Margolis declined to comment.


Last year, the Obama campaign paid $2.77 million in consulting fees to AKPD and $340.53 million to GMMB to produce and place ads, Federal Election Commission records show. Firms such as GMMB typically receive a low-to-mid single-digit percentage of ad spending as their fee for an account of that size, said Glenn Totten, a Democratic political consultant.

Axelrod was president and sole shareholder of AKPD from 1985 until he sold his interest after Obama's victory, government records show. The firm owes Axelrod $2 million, which it's due to pay in installments beginning Dec. 31. Axelrod's son, Michael, still works there. He didn't return a phone call. The firm's Web site continues to feature David Axelrod's work on the Obama campaign.

Michelle Malkin:

Hey, Bobby Gibbs: Tell us again. Who's funded by the evil health care industry? And who's motives should you be questioning now? According to Bloomberg, AKPD continues to work with Axelron "on 'strategy and research' for the Democratic National Committee." Why no full disclosure until now? Why didn't Axelrod recuse himself from his Obamcare lobbying TV appearances given the strong, interest-conflicted odor emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania?

Hey, White House Reality Check: Smell anything fishy, yet?

Culture of Corruption, indeed.

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