Getting 'weed up' explained

For all of you non community organizers, non Harvard Law graduates or non Chicagoans, the ever helpful White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs obligingly provided a translation of President Barack Obama's (D) "all wee weed up" comment. As Garance Francke-Ruta of the Washington Post reports,

I think 'wee-weed up' is when people just get all nervous for no particular reason," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs explained Friday.

"August of 2008, everybody was nervous about whether the entire presidential campaign was slipping out from underneath the hands of the president, who they previously didn't think would actually be the nominee. So this is just -- this is sort of an August pundit pattern between people getting overly nervous for something that still has a long way to go. Bed-wetting is -- would be probably the more consumer-friendly term.

Is bed wetting in adults who are nervous for no particular reason in August a medical condition approved for treatment under Obamacare?



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