Gibbs: Ahmadinejad is the 'elected leader' of Iran

This is a clear example of subsuming American interests to advance a personal, political agenda.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, in response to a question about whether we recognize Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as "legitimate," Gibbs responded "He's the elected leader."

Allah at Hot Air is incensed:

He could have dodged this question a dozen ways. He could have said the election's irrelevant from our standpoint since we have to play the cards we're dealt; he could have noted, as Obama's often done in the past, that true power resides in the supreme leader so it's only his legitimacy that's at issue; or he could have told the truth and said that all Iranian elections are shams since true reformers aren't allowed on the ballot. Instead, so desperate are these tools to get Iran to the bargaining table and show Americans some sort of dividend from Hopenchange diplomacy that Gibbs actually acknowledges Ahmadinejad as the "elected leader" - the same lie the regime's been telling the world and the same lie Iranians have been dying in the streets to challenge. As a de facto - and entirely gratuitous - endorsement of their corruption, it's the lowest moment of The One's presidency so far. And the only thing that'll take the sting out of it is watching all the dumb liberals who painted their Twitter avatars green two months ago in solidarity with Mousavi's supporters hemming and hawing now over how our lord and savior really had no choice but to kiss ass here.

As Allah also points out, Obama has set a September deadline for his outreach to bear fruit before he goes to the sanctions route. That means that Gibbs just kissed butt yesterday but in 8 weeks, we will be seeking sanctions against the thugs.

The "low point" of the Obama presidency? In foreign affairs, certainly. But I fear we have yet to hit bottom domestically.

Here's the video.

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