Libtalker Malloy accuses the right of killing RFK, JFK

Here is liberal talk show host Mike Malloy commenting on the death of Ted Kennedy:

Good evening, truthseekers, Mike Malloy here, thanks for tuning know as well as I know that the death of Senator Ted Kennedy is the death of a man, absolutely, and everything he was to the people in his extended family, but we also understand it's the death of an era, one of the remaining, if not THE remaining lynchpin of liberalism in this country is gone.

Aand you know what the term lynchpin means. So with the death of Ted Kennedy last night, liberalism in this country has lost its champion; the person who, in the modern era, personified liberalism to a greater degree than anyone in Congress; I think that his death heralds the beginning of a very, very very dark period in this country.

I remember feeling that way in 1963 and in 1968-when his two brothers were murdered by the right wing in this country.

Since the day after JFK was shot and Lee Harvey Oswald, an admitted "Marxist," was implicated in the assassination, the left in America has desperately tried to disown him. They have concocted the wildest conspiracy theories involving LBJ, the CIA, defense contractors - anyone and anything except Lee Oswald -  a pathetic creature who understood Marxism about as well as your average chipmunk. I personally believe Oswald acted alone but all of the realistic conspiracy theories involve Castro and/or the mob - hardly right wing fanatics.

And what of Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian who murdered RFK? Some right winger, huh? Radio Equalizer's Brian Maloney:

Hey Mike, if Sirhan Sirhan was a right-winger, then why did left wing radical / Obama confidant Bill Ayers dedicate his book to RFK's assassin?

The death of Ted Kennedy will no doubt bring other smears from the left, eventually leading to some idiot liberal accusing the right of killing Teddy.

Don't worry, they'll find some way to pin it on conservatives. They always do.

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