The Waxman Inquisition

In what can only be described as Soviet-style intimidation of the free market, Rep.  Henry Waxman (D-Ca), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, along with Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich), Chairman of House Energy and Commerce investigations and oversight subcommittee, have sent letters to 52 of nation's largest health insurance companies demanding to see these companies detailed financial records.

Is this just good congressional oversight or something more sinister?  FOXNews

Nick Choate, a spokesman for Stupak, said 52 letters were sent late Monday to the nation's largest health insurers, those with $2 billion or more in annual premiums. He said letters were not sent to other industry groups, some of which have been airing television advertising in support of Obama's call for legislation. (Emphasis added)

These Stalinist punitive measures should be aggressively opposed by these 52 companies and the GOP needs to publicly castigate the Democrats for these Chicago-style gangster tactics.  I cannot imagine anything more intimidating to a businessman than the fear of congressional oversight into your private enterprise if you decide to oppose invasive legislation.

It is time to let Congressmen Waxman and Stupak know that this type of intimidation of American business men will not be tolerated.
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