What was the real reason for the Lockerbie bomber's release?

Soeren Kern, writing from overseas in Pajamas Media, is reporting that the European press is on to the real reason for the release of the Lockerbie terrorist. It wasn't compassion, but oil leases, anti-Americanism, and Scottish nationalism:

The mass-circulation Daily Mail, in a story titled "Blair, ‘Blood Money' and a Lockerbie Deal: Talks with Gaddafi Hours Before BP Agreement," said Megrahi's release was all about oil. "Tony Blair has been accused of agreeing a ‘blood money' deal involving the Lockerbie bomber with Colonel Gaddafi just hours before BP unveiled a £500 million oil contract. The then prime minister laid the foundations for the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi during a meeting with the Libyan leader in a desert tent two years ago. The pair thrashed out a controversial prisoner transfer deal just before BP chairman Peter Sutherland announced the firm was investing $900 million - about £545 million - to search for oil in Libya. If the firm strikes rich, it could be worth £13 billion."

The oil link was reiterated by Colonel Gaddafi's son, Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, who was quoted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as confirming that Megrahi's case was raised during talks over oil and gas. "In all commercial contracts, for oil and gas with Britain, (Megrahi) was always on the negotiating table," Islam said.

The center-left Independent, in an articled titled "Lockerbie: Now It's Payback Time," said British businesses were poised for a Libyan windfall following Megrahi's release. The paper quoted Lord David Trefgarne, a former trade minister who now chairs the Libyan-British Business Council, as saying there would be "benefits" for British firms from the decision to release Megrahi. "Perhaps now, with the final resolution of the Lockerbie affair, as far as the Libyans are concerned, maybe they'll move a bit more swiftly," Trefgarne said.

I don't know what is more disgusting; watching as Gaddaffi embraces a murdering terrorist or seeing the once mighty Brits groveling at the feet of the Libyan dictator for a few. measly oil leases.

President Obama does not appear to have been complicit in this outrage. Both he and Hillary Clinton urged the Scots not to do it.

Nice to know how things have changed in Europe now that we have a president they like.

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