Whitewashing Mary Robinson

There is a letter circulating to media outlets -- including American Thinker -- that is trying to whitewash the award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson. The letter is signed by Matt Dorf and is on the letterhead of Dorf/Rabinowitz Communications, a Washington, D.C. public relations firm that specialized in being PR flacks for Democrats and working on spinning for political candidates. Now who is paying them for working to spin the award to Robinson?

Dorf was director of Jewish affairs for Howard Dean's Presidential campaign and a senior adviser to the DNC on Jewish affairs and faith outreach. He also oversaw the Great Schlep (Obama's campaign outreach to get Jews in Florida to vote for him-see Sarah Silverman video). Guess what? He also apparently has done work for J Street, the nascent, George-Soros linked group trying to influence policy towards Israel -- and in  a way that many view as weakening the ties between the two nations.

Here is a short bio on Dorf provided by his agency:

Dorf served as the director of Jewish affairs and outreach fo Gov. Howard Dean's presidential campaign and as senior adviser to the Democratic National Committee on Jewish affairs and faith outreach. This election cycle he is also overseeing The Great Schlep that is bringing hundreds of young Jews to Florida to stay with their grandparents, JewsVote.org and J Street.

His decade-long journalism career with dailies and community newspapers in New York, New Jersey and Virginia culminated with a five-year post as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Washington bureau chief where he covered four federal elections including the 1992 and 1996 presidential races. He also ran the American Jewish Congress' Washington operations as director of government and public affairs.

Is Dorf being paid by J Street or is he just doing this as a favor to Barack Obama or David Axelrod, who realize the political problems the choice of Robinson has caused President Obama?
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