A look at the ObamaCare future?

In England the NHS has guidelines for when medical treatment can be given to a newborn baby. A baby must be born after 23 weeks of pregnancy, according to the rules, to be entitled to medical care. This scenario played out in England this past week when a newborn survived two hours on its own while medical treatment was withheld because it was born a week and two days "early."

The most chilling part of the rules may be the following:

"The guidelines said: 'If gestational age is certain and less than 23+0 (i.e at 22 weeks) it would be considered in the best interests of the baby, and standard practice, for resuscitation not to be carried out."

Could never happen in the United States? Lest we forget, this President, when he was a State Senator in Illinois, voted against 3 times and spoke against on the floor of the Senate the Born Alive Infants Protection Act which would have required a Doctor to be standing by in the case of a "botched" abortion. He opposed the bill because it wasn't quite right, placing the abortionist's potential liability in a malpractice suit above the life of a new born.

Anyone who doesn't think that this President and those around him are not comfortable in making cold, calculating, abstract life and death decisions regarding health care had better wake up and see the future.
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