Beck bags another one

The man the left loves to hate scores again! Few people provoke as much derision among media swells as Glenn Beck, but that man knows how to expose misconduct and get results. Michael A. Fletcher reports in the Washington Post:

The National Endowment for the Arts has reassigned former communications director Yosi Sergant, who had become the latest target of FOX News talk show host Glenn Beck.

Acting NEA communications director Victoria Hutter said Thursday that Sergant had left the communications post. The move came after he had come under attack from Beck, a conservative commentator who accused Sergant of attempting to use taxpayer money to fund art to support the president's initiatives.

Sergant's reassignment came after the resignation last weekend of environmental adviser Van Jones, who had been criticized for weeks by Beck.

In an alternate universe where the mainstream media were not left wing ideologues, Beck would be garnering Peabody awards and maybe even a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering misconduct in high places. But the media and academic establishments are far too corrupt and committed to propagandistic support of Obama for that to happen.

Meanwhile, newspaper and magazine circulations continue to decline, and broadcast network news ratings are in the toilet. MSNBC and CNN attract fewer viewers than last year. All the while, Beck's listenership and viewership soar, despite the attempt by an organization Van Jones founded fulminating at advertisers in order to encourage an advertiser boycott.

Thanks for hanging tough and exposing the creeps, Glenn!

Hat tip: Ed Lasky
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