Does Obama even care about 9/11?

The same gang that terrorized the site of one of the 9/11 attacks a few months ago has managed to pull off an equally troubling event at the location of the other attack -- on the anniversary of 9/11, yet.

The culprits were none other than the Obama administration. In the process, the Obamatons showed both a disdain for the lessons 9/11 taught most of us, and an utter incompetence that should short-circuit their power grab to take over the nation's health care system

With ceremonies underway to commemorate the attack at the Pentagon Friday morning, the Coast Guard conducted a training exercise nearby in the Potomac River. First reports wrongly indicated that the faux attack was real, stirring long-festering fears, as well as dark memories, across the country; in Washington, D.C. police raced to the scene and the FAA temporarily shut down Reagan National Airport.

Shortly after taking office, the Obama administration, like children with a new toy, sent their Air Force One backup plane to buzz Manhattan, also without prior warning, causing flashbacks to 9/11 for a whole lot of folks then, too. The stated reason--made with a straight face--for the otherwise inexplicable stunt was to get new photos of Air Force One. The cost to taxpayers of the ill-advised flight was over $300,000,  not to mention the mental cost of anguish among those traumatized by the sudden appearance of a giant jetliner hurtling toward Manhattan skyscrapers.

These antics show how little regard Obamatons really have for what happened on September 11, 2001.

If this cadre had any regard for the trauma the country went through that day, if they had any respect for the heroes who sacrificed then -- and those who continue to sacrifice now -- for their fellow Americans, if they could relate in any way to the horror and the shock we felt or the evil that we saw revealed on 9/11, they would not have allowed these staged events to happen.

But, remember, Barack Obama's "spiritual advisor," friend, and mentor for 20 years preached that 9/11 was "America's chickens coming home to roost."  Obama appointed a green jobs commissar who signed a petition blaming the Bush administration for the attacks. And Obama, himself, essentially apologized to the Muslim world for America's response to the 9/11 attacks, by decrying George Bush's policies.

It is noteworthy that Obama showed more sensitivity then to the prayer rituals of students in Turkey -- "He promised to end the town hall-style session before the Muslim call to prayer," according to news reports  -- than his administration has shown the victims and survivors of 9/11 with these two stunts.

But, in Obamatons' myopic world view, 9/11 is a symptom, not a cause. Obama has already moved to dismantle much of the security apparatus that has kept us safe since 9/11. It is as if he would meet a possible pandemic of swine flu with a massive de-construction of the nation's health system.

Oh, he is?

This latest muckup will no doubt be blamed on some low-level bureaucrat, just as the Air Force One flyover was blamed on a low-level bureaucrat, just as the White House lesson plan scandal was blamed on a low level bureaucrat, just as....

But, wait. Doesn't Obama want to turn over the nation's health care system to the same kind of bureaucrats to run?

If Obama's paper-shufflers can't figure out ways to avoid terrifying large segments of the population over the most significant and well-known event in recent American history, how will they ever make the right decision about something so trivial as my medication?

William Tate is an award-winning journalist and author
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