Fire the media

Ahhh, I've wanted to say this for a long, long time, just like a lot of you. So here it is: It's time to fire the media! Peacefully, of course. Stop your liberal newspaper subscription; start a local news website yourself, and compete them out of business. Do it today.

They do not deserve a captive audience.

Turn off CNN and the Alphabet Monopoly Channels and turn on any real news source instead. Block the constant corruption of MTV streaming into  your home. You have been victimized long enough. Protect your kids if they are young, and have a talk with them if they are old enough to understand it.

Then build your own news and entertainment empires. You can do it.

Notice that the media are constantly shape-shifting. All the major web portals are now showing LeftiProp 24/7: AOL, MSN, Google. Turn them off. They will respond to a loss of half their audience. Go to independent web portals. And let the Big Media know you're doing it, so their execs will be faced with a do-or-die choice. Today.

Google refused to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 last week. I'm dropping them. I immediately shifted my Firefox search engine to Bing, which did the right thing.

Let them compete for our custom for a change.

And you can tell their advertisers that you are doing it.

The New York Times is in big financial trouble. Don't pay them a dime. Take the Wall Street Journal instead. They are bigger than the NYT, and they have a better balance between liberal and conservative voices. Or -- make your own news site!

Build up the web and talk radio. So far they cannot be censored. Make sure they hear your voice.

But keep a sharp eye on censorship efforts. The Stalinoids are on the march all over the world. Britons can no longer access the web without creating a permanent record to the UK government, which means the EU, which means Interpol -- and who knows who else?

The UK Telegraph has been helping out the American blogosphere. Reward them for it. The Aussies, too. Together the global conservative blogosphere swings a huge clout. Bring in Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Europe. Conservatism is global. Give everybody a big welcome to freedom for all.

If Obama gets a chance to censor the web in the US he will surely do so. That's the kinda guy he is.

So we need to put on the pressure to fire Mark Lloyd, the Red Diversity Czar at the Federal Communications Commission. There should be no FCC regulation of content. The web is not a limited spectrum like radio or TV. Nobody should control the web or the airwaves.

Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, all the Red Commissars are a danger to our freedoms. They make no bones about it. They are welcome to be peaceful voices in the market place. But they are not welcome to try to control it. Get them out of government.

Bottom line:

You have the power.

Fire the media.

Create your own news media. Compete for local advertisers and local audience. Compete for markets in your favorite hobby, in your professional organization, in your supermarket, in your drugstore.

There is still a free market, and a free people should be able to turn off noisy Monopoly Media from the Left.

It's the only way back to freedom.
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