Green Party: Truther Jones for Prez?

It appears that the marginal-at-best Green Party will go to any lengths to thumb its collective nose at the American voting public.  A report from The Hill suggests that the party whose platform is equal parts ecological wisdom and social justice has extended feelers to disgraced former Green Jobs Czar, Truther Jones. 

Having garnered a thimbleful of plausibility with the nomination of perennial Presidential candidate Ralph Nader as their choice in 1996, the party received nearly 2.7 % of the votes in the 2000 Presidential election. By 2008, the political geniuses at Green Party central had whittled their share of the election returns to below 0.5 % of the vote.  Their candidate?  Cynthia McKinney, world-class crack-pot, alleged assaulter of Congressional security officers, twice-failed Gazan missionary pirate, and unrepentant Truther

Serving up another Truther as their leader speaks volumes about the party's priorities. Perhaps the party will incorporate an "Investigate the 9/11 Conspiracy" platform in addition to its primary focus of developing a sustainable and just economy.  In any case, the appeal to Van Jones as a potential candidate indicates the party may just be practicing assisted suicide.  Where can I send my donation?

Ralph Alter blogs at Right on Target
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