'Help Obama' line removed from kiddie lobbyist action plan

Appropos of Henry Percy's piece in AT yesterday about Obama's kiddie address, Matthew Mosk of the Washington Times informs us that one of the more ludicrous and controversial aspects of the propaganda effort is being dropped; turning our kids into Obamabot lobbyists by asking them "What can you do to help the president?"

President Obama's plan to inspire the nation's schoolchildren with a video address next week erupted into controversy Wednesday, forcing the White House to pull out its eraser and rewrite a government recommendation that teachers nationwide assign students a paper on how to "help the president."

Presidential aides acknowledged the White House helped the U.S. Education Department craft the proposal, which immediately was met by fierce criticism from Republicans and conservative organizations who accused Mr. Obama of trying to politicize the education system.

White House aides said the language was an honest misunderstanding in what was supposed to be a inspirational, pro-education message to America's youths.

We've had a lot of these "honest misunderstandings" with this crew, haven't we? It's a very revealing tactic that whenever the White House clearly oversteps the bounds of propriety with their promotion of Obama as messiah, or Obama as The One, that they quickly backtrack only to try again sometime later.

So what did they replace the "help Obama" line with?

The rewritten line said students should "write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals.

These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals."

Mr. Vietor said the reaction to the lesson plan may not have been so strong had the curriculum been circulated after people heard the speech, which he said does not mention any political issues and does not stray from a clear message encouraging children to excel and stay in school.

You and I both know that many liberal teachers will ignore the revision and force kids to write what they can do to help our Dear Leader. The White House knows this too which is why this is one more in a long line of dishonest "revisions" the White House has undertaken to make people think they are not promoting a cult of personality for Obama.

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