Obama 笙・ hijabs and niqabs

The president has a soft spot in his heart for the practice of covering women, lest they incite lust in the hearts of men. Bookworm points out that Barack Obama has on two occasions made rather a large point of supporting the Muslim practice if keeping women covered in hijabs and niqabs. In his famous Cairo speech, he referred to covering positively three times. Last night, at his Ramadan dinner, he returned to the subject.

The president cloaks his support for treating women this way in the language of choice.full beekeeper The right to wear niqabs to school, for instance. But the argument goes far beyond individual choice to the strategy of Hijra, conquest by immigration. One critical step in the process of Islamization of a society is marking the Muslim population apart from the rest of society. Recognizing this, France bans hijabs and niqabs from its schools. Obama wishes to take American society in a direction that France has already discovered is dangerous.

In Florida, a Muslim fought for, but lost, the right to be photographed for her driver's license with only her eyes showing. In courts, witnesses have demanded the right to remain covered, so jurors are denied the ability to read facial expressions. So far, America has resisted this stage in the transition to Sharia rule openly advocated by influential Muslim leaders here.

The president is throwing his lot in with those who push Islam back toward extremely conservative interpretations of Koranic injunctions to modesty. These coverings are cultural, not religious artifacts.

Attaturk, the father of modern Turkey, recognized the importance of resisting these medieval cultural injunctions. Either Obama is a mush-headed liberal who doesn't realize the larger context and only wants to be "tolerant", or else the middle name Hussein means something, as do his formative years spent in a Muslim country.

American feminists are now disgracing themselves in their groveling toward the attitudes Obama expresses. Don't miss the idiocy of Naomi Wolf, the female version of David Brooks, as chronicled in Bookworm's blog.
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