Obama knew about Lockerbie Bomber Transfer

It seems that Obama is not going to get away with blaming the Brits for releasing the Lockerbie bomber. At least not if Downing Street can help it. The British say the White House and Secretary of State Clinton were fully informed of the decision and are deflecting blame onto the British now that the decision has proven to be unpopular.

(Of course, given how the American press hides stories, like Van Jones that reflect badly on the President, unless Americans seek out alternate media or read the foreign press the White House deflection will probably work.)

Here is how the Daily Mail reported the Obama administration's knowledge of the transfer of Megrahi:

British officials claim Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton were kept informed at all stages of discussions concerning Megrahi’s return.

The officials say the Americans spoke out because they were taken aback by the row over Megrahi’s release, not because they did not know it was about to happen.

‘The US was kept fully in touch about everything that was going on with regard to Britain’s discussions with Libya in recent years and about Megrahi,’ said the Whitehall aide.

‘We would never do anything about Lockerbie without discussing it with the US. It is disingenuous of them to act as though Megrahi’s return was out of the blue.'

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