Opportunity Lost

MSNBC is my home page. For the most part, no kidding, I think they do a pretty good job and besides, by viewing that site with every opening of my browser I keep regular tabs on the opponent. It's been interesting to see how the Jones story has migrated from an "above the fold" BREAKING NEWS piece to a postage stamp size picture of Jones, lost at the bottom of the page. Caption: "Obama aide quits."

My sense is that the holiday weekend announcement gambit, coordinated with the usual uber-spin, worked again.

By Tuesday morning, the Jones piece will be off the MSNBC site altogether (no surprise), the news will be old everywhere else and the President's attempt to swoon children will be the topic du jour. In short, the whole mess will be thrust off the hard news desk at Fox right back to Beck/O'Reilly/Hannity.
Celebration over. Opportunity lost. Back to work.

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