Putting 'brother's keeper' issues in a new light

After hearing Obama state at the U. N. that Israel's settlements are not legitimate, I believe the time has come for Israel to call out Obama's worldview versus theirs.

We know that Obama's step brother lives in a hut in Kenya on ten dollars a year.

In reply to the Biblical question "Am I my Brother's Keeper?",

I propose that the Israeli government offer to move George Obama from his Kenyan hut to a newly constructed settlement building in Judea or Samaria and give him a job. Whether George will accept this offer is debatable, but the offer should be made, nonetheless.

It is time to let the world see the contrast between Barack Obama's values and those of the Bible and the State of Israel.

In its sixty year history, Israel has taken in impoverished refugees from Europe, the Arab countries, Ethiopia (Falashas, the Black Jews) and the rest of the world. Let's highlight how their actions compare to those of Barack Obama's.

In an analogy that becomes more appropo day by day, one of Hitler's first moves against the Jews, he banned mikvas, Jewish ritual baths, creating a situation where observant Jewish women could not procreate, in good conscience. Now Obama wants to delegitimize creating places where Jews can house their new children in Judea and Samaria. Perhaps Obama thinks these new children and their families can move into tin huts like Obama's step brother lives in.

It is time to emphatically and dramaticly make the Biblical and decent case against Obama's worldview on the world stage.

Does any other country believe, after hearing Obama trash commitments to -- in succession -- Honduras, Poland, The Czech Republic, Israel that commitments to their security and national sovereignty will be next on the list to disavow?
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