White House caught on tape directing politicization of National Endowment for the Arts

The latest Breitbart blockbuster has been released. The huge post

 by Patrick Courrielche on BigGovernment.com includes comprehensive transcripts and audios, as well as excerpted key segments. White House official Buffy Wicks, who works for Valerie Jarrett, the insider's insider at the White House, is clearly directing political art ("specific tasks") be produced. Jarrett is close to both Michelle and Barack Obama.

In the following segment, Buffy Wicks, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, clearly identifies this arts group as a pro-Obama collective and warns them of some "specific asks" that will be delivered later in the meeting.

  • "I just first of all want to thank everyone for being on the call and just a deep deep appreciation for all the work you all put into the campaign for the 2+ years we all worked together."
  • "We won."
  • "I'm actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda."
  • "We're going to come at you with some specific asks here."
  • "I hope you guys are ready."

From Huff Po a report that Wicks is well wired into the SEIU:

Many of the people in charge of the SEIU funded anti-WalMart movement, such as the imposing Buffy Wicks, have moved on to work for Obama, who was also funded by the SEIU. In a full employment economy, fine, try and unionize WalMart through cardcheck. Just don't try and do it in a collapsing economy.

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman, who adds:

It seems to me that  some of the conduct Big Government has reported may run afoul of the Hatch Act which the non-partisan, Congressional Research Office (a branch of the Library of Congress) details here.


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