Why is the Left so angry at Blacks who love America?

I appeared on CNN Newsroom hosted by Don Lemon. He was fair and allowed me to make my points. I stated three things in the interview. One, I refer to myself as an American rather than a hyphenated African-American. Two, the tea party protests are against President Obama's policies, not his race. The protesters are decent hardworking concerned citizens. Three, the American people are not racist.

These statements inspired immediate outrage from the so-called tolerant and Silence Blackscompassionate Left. An email from a self proclaimed Marxist threatened physical harm to me. He also vowed to destroy me and my music career. A creative leftist called me a "Toxic Negro". Another called me a "sell out". The "you're a minstrel" and "do you tap dance too" comments in one email were interesting. Less creative e-mailers expressed their outrage towards me by using the typical "F" and "N" bombs every other word, including my favorite, "Who the "F" do you think you are?" Now, if I can create a hit song using my hate mail that would be sweet capitalistic revenge.

I received angry emails from blacks who said I should be ashamed of myself. Apparently, they believe my not resenting whites and America is a betrayal of my blackness. I no longer feel the need to be patient with racist blacks. Just as we do not tolerate the KKK and white supremacists, we should not give a pass to racist blacks. Racism is evil...period.

I am continually amazed by the Left's anger at me for saying America and it's people are good and that I love my country. Why should these statements inspire such rage? It appears the Left hates all who love America. They particularly despise patriotic minorities.

Folks, thanks for your prayers and numerous emails expressing your thanks and support. My strength and peace comes from knowing I am on the right side and in God's Will. Also, my delete key is my friend.

Lloyd Marcus, Singer/Songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem", is President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color) and star of the Lloyd Marcus TV Show.
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