From Gitmo to our streets

Andrew C. McCarthy warns that closing Gitmo and transferring inmates to American prisons will end up with the release of battlefield detainees onto American streets.  From National Review:

"Once they are here, we will have the perfect storm: Federal judges, inherently hostile to detention without trial, running amok with no guidance from Congress, no political accountability, and no jury to check their excesses; combatant-designations judicially voided for scores of trained jihadists no trustworthy country is willing to take in; and a combatant-friendly Justice Department unwilling to challenge the judicial usurpation of the military's war-fighting powers. Inexorably, the judges will order that the detainees be released in the United States."
As Ann Coulter said on ABC's Good Morning America:

"Obama's going around creating disasters across the world. He is lighting matches and throwing in gasoline. We're just going to wait for the entire conflagration, not only in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Turkey, in China, in Russia. Every place, he is doing the wrong thing."

Especially here in the USA.
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