Limbaugh withdraws from group seeking to buy the Rams

Will he or won't he? The ongoing saga of Rush Limbaugh's attempt to be a part owner of his hometown football team, the St. Louis Rams, now seems he won't. According to ESPN:

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was dropped from a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams.

ESPN's Adam Schefter first reported the story on Wednesday.

Limbaugh was to be a limited partner in a group headed by St. Louis Blues chairman Dave Checketts. Checketts said in a statement Wednesday that Limbaugh's participation had become a complication in the group's efforts and the bid will move forward without him.

Checketts told the Associated Press he will have no further comment on the bid process. (snip)

Checketts, the chairman of SCP Worldwide, announced that Limbaugh had been dumped toward the end of a news release.

"It has become clear that his involvement in our group has become a complication and a distraction to our intentions; endangering our bid to keep the team in St. Louis," Checketts said. "As such, we have decided to move forward without him and hope it will eventually lead us to a successful conclusion."

Not surprisingly

The move was hailed by the Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the most vocal critics of Limbaugh's bid.

"It is a moral victory for all Americans -- especially the players that have been unfairly castigated by Rush Limbaugh," Sharpton said in a statement. "This decision will also uphold the unifying standards of major sports."

Is Limbaugh completely out of the process or will "the unifying standards of major sports" ie, the most qualified wins, prevail? Stay tuned for further updates which are sure to come.

Til then Mark Steyn at NRO's The Corner has the absolutely perfect solution for Limbaugh.

PS Can Rush buy the St Louis Rams if he gets Roman Polanski to front the deal?

That should do it.

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