The Nobel quest for mediocrity

It has long been noted that the education system in the United States has rewarded mediocre achievements.  Blue ribbons are awarded for non-performance while the achievements of the hard working are downplayed.   The same is occurring within our government and society. 

The Obama stimulus plan has done nothing to stimulate jobs but it has done plenty to stimulate non-achievement and mediocrity.   For decades Europe has embraced a socialist lifestyle where mediocrity became the norm.  The very survival of that socialist society has been threatened by the United States markets where mediocrity was deemed unacceptable.  Investments into American markets resulted in decreased investments into other world markets.  Therefore, a strong American market meant a continuation of a weaker European market.  For that reason many Europeans hated America. 

It is no secret that influences and finances from outside the United States helped create the Obama presidency; one example being George Soros.  It is also no secret that President Obama intends to reshape the United States into the image of Europe.  However, Europe has been economically stagnant for decades.  Only by the weakening of the United States' economic system can Europe's socialistic and economic stagnation be reduced.  The strengthening of Europe's socialistic and economic system can only take place by the weakening of the American system. 

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee is an extension of the Norwegian Parliament, which is a foreign government.  Last week the politically-controlled Nobel Peace Prize Committee awarded President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize not for his mediocre achievements, but as President Obama acknowledged, for his "call to action".  It was an award for decisions yet to be made, otherwise known as a bribe.  The more President Obama is "called to action" by outside influences,  the strengthening of the European Union will continue at the cost of the United States. 

Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the United States Constitution prohibits President Obama from accepting any "present, emolument, office, or title of any kind, whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state.  The purpose of this restriction is to insure that the actions of anyone who holds office, more importantly the President, are not influenced or controlled by foreign governments.  That section of our Constitution had previously elevated the decisions made by the President beyond foreign influences  

It does not matter if President Obama intends to donate the prize money to charity, his acceptance of that prize is his acceptance of a bribe from a foreign government or governments whose motives are clear and whose motives President Obama has equally accepted. 

The glaring conflict of interest cannot be ignored.  While it is Congress who must approve foreign gifts to the President, Congress' silence is deafening.  In fact, some members of Congress have proclaimed it unpatriotic and an act of terrorism to criticize and object to the President's "prize".   It appears that the Nobel Peace Prize, once a prestigious award, and the office of the Presidency have become one of mediocrity both in their goals and standards.


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