Vets for Freedom Head to Washington

Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans are again heading to our Nation's capital to awaken our president and Congress to the needs of our troops on the ground, still at war.  As they did 2 years ago in support of General Petraeus and the Iraq surge that turned that war into a victory, vets are heading to the hill again.  It worked then; it can work now.

Here is part of the Vets for Freedom email requesting help from all of us.
Dear Vets for Freedom members:

Last year, Vets for Freedom brought hundreds of veterans to Capitol Hill to support General Petraeus and the Iraq Surge. The result, our commanders and troops on the battlefield got the resources they needed, and we're winning the war in Iraq.

Now, we must do the same for the troops in Afghanistan!

This is another call to action. We are asking every Afghanistan veteran, and other veterans, who believe in defeating America's enemies to converge on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on Thursday, November 5. It's time for the warfighters to tell their representatives--face to face--to give the Commanders what they need.

CLICK HERE to SIGN UP to join us in Washington, DC on November 5th! The sooner you sign up, the sooner we can schedule meetings for you!

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