Why celebrate the Communist takeover of China?

What's red and yellow on top that honors--not symbolizes but honors--millions dead, totalitarianism, forced abortion, brutal occupation of a foreign land and oh, by the way, horrible air pollution and lax safety standards killing thousands? Hint; it is in one of the most liberal cities in the U.S. Another hint; it is less than two miles from the U.N.

Answer. The Empire State Building, all aglow in honor of the 60th anniversary of the takeover of China by the communists. Oh sure, some, such as Tibetans and their sympathizers, protested this momentous occasion; obviously they didn't understand the importance of the friendship between the peoples of China and the U.S.

The renowned landmark opened during the Depression and for decades was one of the tallest buildings in the world, and is still a New York tourist attraction. On July 4, the red, white and blue lights on the building's upper floors proudly celebrating America's freedom, and green lights blaze on St. Patrick's Day.

Why is this tragic anniversary given the same status as these, and other, celebrations?

A spokeswoman for the building said in a statement that the building celebrates many world cultures with its lights.

Meanwhile, back in China, the celebrations continued  as Dominic Sandbrook of Britain's Daily Mail explains.

Marching to world domination: China celebrates 60 years of communism with a display of military might that should worry the West

China today celebrated its wealth and rising might with a show of goose-stepping troops, gaudy floats and nuclear-capable missiles in Beijing, 60 years after Mao Zedong proclaimed its embrace of communism.

Tiananmen Square became a hi-tech stage to celebrate the birth of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, with President Hu Jintao, wearing a slate grey 'Mao' suit, and the Communist Party leadership watching the meticulously disciplined show from the Gate of Heavenly Peace over the Square.

Happy anniversary; indeed not!

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