'Climate change' blamed for increased prostitution in Philippines

If you think advocates of global warming are over the top in the United States, check out this report by Philippine TV attempting to blame increased prostitution in that country on “climate change.”

The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.

Suneeta Mukherjee, country representative of the United Nations Food Population Fund (UNFPA), said women in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the country.

"Climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing, possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection," Mukherjee said during the Wednesday launch of the UNFPA annual State of World Population Report in Pasay City.

The UN representative fails to cite any specific evidence of climate change effects to make her case.  Instead, population growth and over-fishing appear to be the real culprits.

Based on the UNFPA report, there are 92 million Filipinos in the country as of 2009 and that number is expected to balloon to more than 146 million in the next 40 years.

Of the 92 million Filipinos, about 60 percent are living in coastal areas and depend on the seas for livelihood, said former Environment secretary Dr. Angel Alcala.

Alcala said that "we have already exceeded the carrying capacity of our marine environment."

But as the sea's resources are depleted due to overpopulation and overfishing, fishermen start losing their livelihood and women are forced to share the traditional role of the man in providing for the family.

After citing the usual general claims made by the UN about global warming, the article gets to the nub of a possible solution:

"Slower population growth, for example, would help build social resilience to climate change's impacts and would contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gas-emissions in the future," the UNFPA report said.

If that's not enough, one of the key UNFPA recommendations:

Fully fund family planning services and contraceptive supplies within the framework of reproductive health and rights, and assure that low income is no barrier to access.

For anyone who wants to know why we seem to have climate change hysteria throughout so much of the world, just follow the pleas for more money.

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