County GOP Leaders censure Lindsey Graham

A new wind is blowing through the Republican party and some old hands who don't change with the times may be in trouble.

The Charleston, SC county executive committee of the Republican party has had it with Senator Lindsey Graham's crossing party lines and has censured him.

Party leaders are "fed up" and want Graham to know that they are, according to a story in the Charleston Post and Courier by Robert Behr:

The resolution mentions Graham's cooperation with U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., on a bipartisan energy bill, and his support for the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program and the time he called some opponents of immigration reform "bigots."

"U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham -- in the name of bipartisanship -- continues to weaken the Republican brand and tarnish the ideals of freedom, rule of law, and fiscal conservatism," the resolution reads.

Bennett said the resolution passed unanimously by a voice vote among about 50 of the party's 104 executive committee members.

She said party faithful have talked about the resolution for a while. "The feeling is if you're not going to uphold the platform, then why bother to run as a Republican?" she said.

Graham's spokesman Kevin Bishop said his boss has a lifetime conservative voting record of 90 percent and last year was rated the 15th most conservative senator by National Journal.

That last may be true. But on the big issues; fiscal responsibility, judges, and energy, Graham's apostasy grates - especially when he calls conservatives who oppose him names.

It won't temper his behavior nor will it likely lead to his defeat. But Graham is on notice that the home folks won't sit still any longer for his disloyalty.

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