Netanyahu on the capture of Iranian ship loaded with arms

In his usual forthright manner, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully labeled
the contents of a disguised heavy weapons laden ship sent by Iran, bound for Syria and then ultimately to Hezb'allah in Lebanon. It was a ship whose purpose was

to attack and kill as many civilians - women, children and the elderly - as possible.
It was a war crime of such dimension that he called upon

the UN General Assembly, which is meeting today, should investigate, discuss and condemn. This is a war crime that should prompt the UN Security Council to convene in special session, especially since it was in gross violation of UN Security Council resolutions. This is a war crime which we know the Iranian regime intends to repeat, further arming Hezbollah, which has already fired thousands of missiles at our communities.

Having extensive experience, Netanyahu is not a starry eyed fool hoping that the UN's eyes will finally be opened to the evil that Iran, Syria and others are plotting.

This is what the international community should concentrate on at all times but especially today. But instead, they have chosen to assemble and condemn the IDF and the State of Israel, and to try and undermine our legitimate right to defend ourselves.

And so, he promised

I would like make it as clear as possible: This will neither deter us nor prevent us from continuing to act in order to defend Israeli citizens because Israeli citizens know the truth, that the IDF is a moral army without peer, either qualitatively or morally. We know that it is the IDF and the security services of the State of Israel that stand against the war criminals who plan to perpetrate war crimes against Israeli citizens.

In closing he challenged the UN--and the passive international community that supports its distortions--

I think that the time has come for the international community, at least its more responsible countries, to recognize the truth and not promote a lie.

But it is the so-called more responsible countries that have refused to recognize the truth and have even helped promote the lies. Either way, Israel and the US will continue to defend themselves, with or without the UN. And the UN's passive international community which has enabled the UN member countries to flaunt decency and condemn the decent while glorifying the perverted will be the ultimate losers if they don't recognize the truth.

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