NY 23 and the Congressional Liberal Hydra

There are 535 seats in both Houses of Congress, the majority of which are held by liberals.  Amongst these 535 seats, and invisible to the naked eye, there exists a solitary many-headed liberal beast. This many-headed creature never met an entitlement program it did not vote for, has a "give away the store" mentality, and is driving our nation to bankruptcy. This many-headed Congressional creature has our nation at great peril.

Many RINO Republicans believe the best way to save the country is with moderate Republicans.  For example, they think moderate Republican Dede Scozzafava would have been a better choice than Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman to defeat Democrat Bill Owens in the NY 23 upcoming runoff election. 

These RINO Republicans need to learn the lesson of Hercules and the Lernean Hydra.  Defeating a Democrat by electing a moderate Republican is like chopping off one of the heads of the many-headed Lernean Hydra.  It is just as likely to grow back and bite you as was the previous Democrat head.  But to elect a conservative is to close once and for all each beheaded stump in the same manner as Iolaus, nephew to Hercules, did with fire against the Lernean Hydra. It takes care of the problem permanently. This is what is unfolding in NY 23, and what is needed across the country in 2010.

According to Greek mythology, the Lernean Hydra's last head severed was immortal and could not be destroyed by Hercules. Hercules buried the head beneath a mammoth boulder, thus rendering it harmless for all time. A conservative landslide of 2012 could carry some large boulders with it.
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