Our clueless C in C

Twelve soldiers were murdered in cold blood at Fort Hood. Thirty others were wounded. Our Commander in Chief calls a press conference and begins it with a long thanks to the Interior Department and Indians who just concluded a conference and  then gives a good natured "shout out" to an attendee , all with a studied nonchalance, before he even mentions the outrage on our military base.

Linda Chavez calls it "Obama's pet goat moment."

Study it and pass it on because the media is already cutting the tape to make the man look presidential instead of clueless and immature.

J.C. Arenas adds:

Notice him looking down at the podium as he’s making the comments.

How convenient it was for CBS to cut out the part where he’s celebrating his outreach to Native Americans, which he called a “Top Priority”.

Andrew Thomas adds:

How do you believe our beloved President Obama would rank these in priority order?

  • 1. The men & women of the US armed forces
  • 2. His legislative priorities
  • 3. Himself
On Thursday, 11 soldiers and civilian police in Ft. Hood, TX were slaughtered execution-style at close range and over 30 others wounded, allegedly by a US Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan.  The President immediately addressed the nation concerning this horrific event.

However, his expression of grief was very odd.  He spent the first two minutes of the four-and-a-half minute address in a light-hearted discussion of his earlier "Tribal Nations Conference" on Native American rights, including a "shout out" recognition of a conference attendee.

When he finally got around to the purpose for his public appearance, he gave an uninspired and rambling dissertation on the tragedy.  Even then, he could not keep the topic focused on sympathy for the pain of others:

I want all of you to know that as Commander in Chief, that there's no greater honor, but no greater responsibility for me (emphasis his) than to make sure that the extraordinary men and women in uniform are properly cared for...

Poor soul, it's so saddening to know how this tragedy affects himListening to this address provides some insight into Obama's character and how he ranks his priorities.

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