Soros tentacles wind through pro-Iranian groups

The Campaign for a New American Policy on Iran was a group formed under the auspices of The National Iranian American Council (NAIC), a controversial group that has been accused of acting illegally as a lobby for the Iranian regime, to promote engagement with Iran, derail sanction efforts in Congress, and prevent any military actions against the mullahs.

The New American Policy on Iran was headed by Patrick Disney, who was being paid by anti-Israel advocate George Soros through his Open Society Policy Center. The Campaign for A New American Policy on Iran included as members not just Trita Parsi, the head of NIAC, but also Morton Halperin, Soros's major domo over at his Open Society Institute.

The Open Society Policy Center served as a host for one of the planning meetings of the Campaign. But there are other connections between Soros, the NIAC and its Campaign. Various other employees of the Open Society Institute participated in meetings of the campaign, including Mike Amitay and Anthony Wilson, and also Anthony Richter.


But there is one more meeting at the Open Society Policy Center that merits some attention. On March 18,2009, the Campaign met again. This meeting explored the idea of promoting a "send Hillary to Iran" campaign. One of the groups associated with the Campaign contracted with Tom Matzzie to design a grassroots campaign to promote engagement with Iran. Who is Tom Matzzie?

He is the former Washington Director for, one of the subsidiaries of Soros, Inc.

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