Warmists using suicidal animals to push discredited theory

The desperate hyperventilation you hear is the result of the mad scramble by climate change shills to play their few remaining global warming cards.  A combination of increasing skepticism by the public, combined with the recent exposure of wholesale collusion on the part of the warmist industry to slant the data and suppress evidence that would disprove their chicken-little theories is echoed by a sudden rash of intemperate and way- over-the-top commercials. 


Paul Chesser at the American Spectator provides the most recent projection of warmist fears onto our furry friends.


If depressed and suicidal mammals aren’t your thing, try some plummeting polar bears.


This latest despicable example from Portugal actually one-ups the Plane Stupid guerrilla campaign equating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by your average passenger jet flight with multiple Ursus Maritimus  bouncing off skyscrapers as they drop from the sky.


Unable to palm off their hysterical theories on adults capable of deductive reasoning, the greenies now resort to shock ads meant to scare the feeble-minded and youngsters. 


Speaking of scaring the children, has anybody seen Al Gore since the Climategate news broke?


Ralph Alter blogs at Right on Target

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