A brilliant idea from the Wall Street Journal on creating jobs

The Wall Street Journal has proposed a new stimulus plan, that will create many more new jobs, will actually save taxpayer's money, and is more likely to succeed than anything like the White House's new cockamamie proposal to pay homeowners to weatherize their houses - Cash for Caulkers.  

WSJ's idea is that Congress should take a year off, adjourn until 2011, and stop meddling:

The real message of the November report is that the job market is healing on its own, if Washington will simply let it happen. If Democrats want faster job creation by next November, they'll do nothing at all. Stop imposing new taxes on estates, payrolls, insurance, device makers, drug makers, small business, you name it. Start over on health care. Adjourn for the year, spend December with the family, come back in 2011. And watch Congress's approval rating rise.

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