A lament for truth

Remember the day when truth was a fixed immutable thing; a dependable definable friend which couldn't be corrupted, altered, equivocated, attenuated, or eliminated. I miss truth and am saddened, and yes shocked, that so many others don't.

A glass that I see on a coffee table ( I drank from it and put it there) would seem like indisputable fact . But if six intellectual types (fun, avant-guarde) say that it isn't there and get others to believe them then the indisputable becomes, I guess, up for debate.

When I was a young conservative I didn't mind spirited debate with liberals because truth usually won out in the end. (news anchors would say "Yeah the Alar scare was wrong" or "Nixon's opening of a dialog with china was a good thing.")

Now Al Gore,unchallenged, can say that polar ice caps are melting when "facts" say otherwise, and people who know better don't rush out to refute him. I find this not only scary but deeply saddening. Killing babies has now become a privacy right, women are usually defiled or abused only when a republican is involved, and Democrats can never be racist because blacks vote for them in large numbers.

I thought maybe the solution to the truth evaders would be for the rest of us to lie about everything in all of our daily lives; at work, at play, and in our political debate. We just make up whatever we want whenever we want, sort of overwhelm the system. Would this shock them back to reality? I don't know, but it wouldn't make me any less sick.

What I know for sure is that I miss truth and will pray every day for it's return. Some of you will understand what I'm saying.

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