All you need to know about Copenhagen

The Copenhagen treaty would do nothing to stop global warming, even if you believe in it.  Here it is, right from Time magazine.

"A paper leaked from, and confirmed to be authentic by, the U.N. on Thursday night contains an assessment of the emissions-reduction pledges put forward so far in Copenhagen. It calculates that even if all developed and developing nations keep their promises, atmospheric carbon concentrations would rise as high as 770 parts per million, and temperatures could rise 3°C by the end of the century. The upper safe zone in temperature rise, according to many scientists, is 2°C, and the limit called for by vulnerable island nations is 1.5°C."

Time put this little jewel in the 10th paragraph of its 12-paragraph piece.

Dear climate alarmists, go ahead and believe the globe is warming, it is catastrophic and it is man-caused.  All that makes no difference on whether you should support treaties like Kyoto and Copenhagen, because even if all treaty promises are kept, CO2 would be more than double your magic "350" level and temperatures would rise about as much as anyone feared in the first place.

At what point do even believers see that this is all about wealth transfer and sabotaging capitalism?

Hat top:  HotAir.
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