Former Massachusetts AG 'clears' ACORN

Michelle Malkin refers to Scott Harshbarger as ACORN's "independent" assessor, left-wing former Massachusetts AG, and Common Cause president.

Gun Owners of America describe his deceptive anti-2nd Amendment tactics. And he was prosecutor in the infamous Amirault case, for which he even was criticized   by the liberal "The Nation" magazine.

From the press release issued by SEIU's President Andy Stern about the report of former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger finding no pattern of illegal conduct by the staff of ACORN:

What Mr. Harshbarger did find is something the media should have caught: the freelance 'sting' operation that did so much damage to ACORN's reputation last fall is deeply suspicious and deserving of increased scrutiny.

Given the transcripts released by the videographers themselves contradict what the manipulated videos say, it is reasonable and fair that ACORN's accusers now cooperate and provide the full, unedited tapes for a complete investigation.

Here's the complete press release.

With a record like he has, how could the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit be far from a future client of Mr. Harshbarger? Or, a position with Eric Holder's Justice Department?
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