Health care reform: Is it soup yet?

There is a dire axiom playing out in the Senate before our very eyes, "Too many chefs spoil the broth." The truism refers to when too many people are involved in a single project, even if they are all experts, the project will be a disaster. Harry Reid's 60-chef quest for a 2,000-page healthcare recipe bill is a classic example in the making.

How about a dash of public option? I demand no public option! Perhaps a sprinkle of abortion language? Never! Could use some Medicare removal. Don't forget to tax now and collect later. I insist we include the go to jail provision! Remember, it must appear to lower the deficit and keep Senators exempt from the program. How about a smidgen of what's in it for me? How about more than a smidgen?

If you find this unappetizing now, wait till you are forced to eat it.



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