Israel as the coal miner's canary

Coal miners used to take canaries into the hellish caverns they dug deep below the ground to determine whether or not they had enough oxygen to survive. If the bird died while they were working, they knew that they too would die soon and that it was time to move. Israel, according to Dennis Prager, is the miner's canary to the west.

Almost daily we receive news of another UN resolution against or Iranian desire of the abolishment of Israel. Meanwhile, Western Europe and the American left stand idly by as the world goes after what was until recently (thanks President Bush) the only democracy in the Middle East. Today's news that the British have an arrest warrant for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livini on war crimes allegations is another sign that we are all in trouble.

A London magistrate's assertion that Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip in late 2008 and early 2009 amount to war crimes is absolutely preposterous. Operation Cast Lead which killed more than 1,000 Palestinians was in response to the daily barrage of missiles fired into Israel by Hamas.

Although it is extremely frightening that Great Britain allows private individuals and organizations to seek warrants against foreign countries through the auspice of "universal justice", what is more frightening is the entire world community considers the Palestinian leadership as a moral equivalent to the Israeli government. As a result of this premise, anytime that Israel defeats Hamas while only trying to defend its borders, Israel is subsequently condemned by the world "intelligentsia".

Great Britain was paramount in the creation of the current Israeli state in the age of Zionism. For this reason, its government should quash this and any future frivolous suits against Israel brought through its courts. However, Great Britain is folding as Western Europe already has.

It is apparent that the United States is the last beacon of hope for Israel's survival. As the miner's bird, if Israel dies, we are next.
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