November 2010: Too little, too late

If conservatives wait until November 2010 we will be: Too little, too late. 

This is why: The nominations and primary races are shaping up right now. We must nominate conservatives for the November 2010 vote, right now. Deadlines approach soon. GOP county and state organizations are working right now to get their ducks in a row for the 2010 election - and beyond.

When conservatives sit back and "wait" - we're saddled with candidates like Dede Scozzafava of the recent RINO insider fiasco in New York, not to mention certain lack-luster candidates for the presidency.

Let's look at GOP county committees first - simply because the GOP is a more likely home for the conservative movement, and local or county is practical for many of us. I'll address the Democratic Party later.

One example of many possibilities is to become a precinct chair in your county GOP organization. Precinct Chair positions often go unfilled. Precinct chairs get to vote on candidate selection and other leadership. Populous counties will have a website with a page that explains what you need to do. Less well funded GOP organizations will have contact information in the phone book, or, as part of a list on a state GOP website.

You may be under a deadline of early January 2010 - if you have any inkling to do such a work, jump on it, and move forward. Similar deadlines apply to candidate filings - if they haven't passed already.

As a conservative, you'll face prejudice. Stay calm, stay cool. You'll have to be sharper and better than anyone else. To prevent your efforts from hijacking by cunning RINO operatives, check your local Tea Party website. They can provide guidance on how you may conduct yourself as a calm, effective voice for conservatism. Get a copy of Robert's Rules of Order. Know your local organization procedures. Read American Thinker. Read biographies of George Washington, John Adams, and other great patriots.

Carry a copy of The United States Constitution in your hip pocket. Read it, know it. That is the best civic guidance.

Attention Democrats: let's take this a step further - why should collectivists control the Democratic Party? Aren't the words "Democratic" and "collectivist" mutually exclusive? (No Clintonian double-speak allowed.) Why not liberate your party? Conservative Democrats deserve leadership in your own party. You fought communism overseas in decades past - why not fight collectivism on our own shores now?

Many more details go with this general idea. You can figure out those details. Time is wasting away. This is too important to let it go until November. Now is the time for all conservatives to come to the aid of their country.

Be strong, act swiftly. America needs you.

John Hunt is his children's dad. His public service is to help find and produce crude oil and natural gas from privately owned lands in the USA.
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