The 'Great and Historic' Bank Robbery

Today, Byron York at The Examiner takes a look at why the Democrats continue to push Obamacare, despite its growing unpopularity, and likely negative consequences to their congressional majorities in 2010. York's source for Democrat Party reasoning was an anonymous Democrat strategist.

The strategist's points boil down to Democrat Party belief that: a) Obamacare is great and historic because the Democrat Party leadership says so, and b) sacrifice is part of doing great and historic things.

However, the strategist does not stop there. He/she compares

[Congressional] Democrats with robbers who have passed the point of no return in deciding to hold up a bank. Whatever they do, they're guilty of something.

"They're in the bank, they've got their guns out. They can run outside with no money, or they can stick it out, go through the gunfight, and get away with the money."

A more apt comparison could hardly be found. Exit question: clearly, members of the public are the bank depositors in this little scene. But, who are the cops?

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