'The world must take action on climate change at Copenhagen even if the science is not correct:' Tony Blair (updated)

Blair may be a good friend of the United States and understand what kind of war we're fighting against the Islamists, but he is, after all, a socialist. And the idea of spending trillions of other people's money is apparently just too much a temptation to resist.

Louise Gray, writing in The Telegraph:

Following the ‘climategate scandal', Mr Blair said the science may not be "as certain as its proponents allege".

But he said the world should act as a precaution against floods, droughts and mass extinction caused by climate change, in fact it would be "grossly irresponsible" not to.


"It is said that the science around climate change is not as certain as its proponents allege. It doesn't need to be. What is beyond debate, however, is that there is a huge amount of scientific support for the view that the climate is changing and as a result of human activity," he said. 

"Beyond debate" despite the fact that science is "not as certain?" That makes absolutely no sense. And transferring trillions of dollars to the developing world while capping energy use at home seems a bit excessive to "act as a precaution" against climate change.

Some "precaution," huh?

No matter. What this shows is that it's never been about the science, but rather about the control of economic activity that governments want. Let's hope they experience a radical failure this week in Copenhagen.

Update from James Lewis:

This is an implicit admission that Tony Blair thinks the science might be fraudulent. This is what got Bernie Madoff forty years in jail.

This stuff has now officially jumped way over the shark! Was Tony Blair in setting up the CRU fraud unit, and in protecting them?  Certainly Gordon Brown sounds like he's deep in the tank for the Biggest Fraud in Science History.

If Blair knew all along that this was a scam, that explains how the CRU and other fraudocrats got away with it. They were mounting an international Stalinization campaign, or what Blair used to call "Third Way Socialism". This makes the whole Climate Fraud much more of an explicit and malice-aforethought plot among Socialist politicians around the world, in collaboration with the UN and obviously hyper-corrupt, as we know from the Food for Oil scam that was run out of the UN Sec General's office in collaboration with Saddam Hussein.

It looks like Obama is happy to be on board with the Biggest Fraud in Science History, and it now looks increasingly as if it was a deliberate, knowing fraud. Swamp land in Florida.
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