Your stimulus tax dollars at work - sort of.

The staffs of Senators Tom Coburn (-OK) and John McCain (R-AZ) did some research to discover some of the worthy beneficiaries of stimulus dollars creating and preserving vital jobs that otherwise would be lost.

Geoff Earle of the NY Post reports on what they found; it would be funny if it weren't so uselessly tragic.

The feds have spent millions in stimulus cash on "silly" projects, including left-leaning puppet shows, a martini bar, and a study of Viking civic life, according to a devastating new report.

One grant, for $25,000, went to The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre in Minneapolis.

The group puts on an annual May Day parade, and its current production is titled "The Puggles -- a Platypus Adventure."

Another $50,000 grant, to the Parks Department in Washington state, hosts Asian-style rod-puppet shows.

A $25,000 grant went to Philadelphia's Pig Iron Theatre, which calls itself a "dance-clown-theatre ensemble."

Coburn stated at least 15% of stimulus money is "pure waste"--many would say more and

that blame "ultimately rests with Vice President Joe Biden," whom President Obama tasked with oversight.

"In his words, he's the sheriff," said McCain.

A Biden spokeswoman didn't respond to a request for comment.

Is this "pure waste"?

A $2 million grant went to extend an antique tourist train line, the Virginia & Truckee Railway, built during Nevada's silver mining boom.

The line currently ends near Mound House, home to several legal brothels, including the Kit Kat Guest Ranch and the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, but would go to Carson City.

I guess not, employees of the Kit Kat and Moonlight Bunny Ranch are uhm, at least working in an area vital to the American economy. Right?

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