January 29, 2010
A rogues gallery of Obama appointees
I have wanted to see a comprehensive list of all the president's men and women, and now Liberty Counsel has done the work for us:
Liberty Counsel (LC), a pro-life and pro-family legal group, released a 72-page report on Wednesday detailing information on each of the nominations and appointments of President Barack Obama.
The document provides information on more than 100 of Obama's appointments and nominations. It includes more than 850 citations to articles, websites, and cases regarding each of the individuals and, according to LC, took weeks to compile.
Some of the more detailed accounts of appointees include:
Kevin Jennings, radically pro-homosexual, as Safe Schools Czar.In the abortion rights category:
Valerie Jarrett, slumlord queen of Chicago's public housing projects as Senior Advisor and Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement.
Eric Holder as Attorney General and David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General, both of whom were adult industry lawyers; Holder has violated Constitution in certain cases.
Arne Duncan, never held a position as a teacher or principal, as Secretary of Education.
Hillary Clinton, "reproductive rights include abortion", as Secretary of State.
Kathleen Sebelius, financially backed by abortionist doctor George Tiller, and radically pro-abortion, as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Janet Napolitano, abortion rights advocate in Planned Parenthood's back pocket, as Secretary of Homeland Security. What's abortion have to do with homeland security?
Hilda Solis, in SEIU, NARAL, HRC, ACLU's back pocket, as Secretary of Labor.
Tina Tchen, lawyer for NOW, as Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls
Elena Kagan, Don't Ask Don't Tell and Title X, as Solicitor General.
Jeanne Lambrew, supported by Planned Parenthood, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Health Reform
Melody Barnes, Emily's List board member, as Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
Ellen Moran, former executive director of Emily's List, White House Communications Director.
Dawn Johnsen, radically pro abortion, abortion restrictions "reduce pregnant women to no more than fetal containers," as nominee to head the Office of Legal Counsel, DoJ.