Bad sportsmanship

The totally misnamed New Zealand group Global Peace and Justice Auckland once again proved its bigotry and racism in addition to its total misunderstanding of anything by staging an anti Israel demonstration prior to the ASB Tennis Classic held there according  to a report in JTA .

They also demanded that Israel's star tennis player, Shahar Pe'er, ranked 30th in the world "withdraw from the tournament 'as a demonstration of your commitment to peace' with the Palestinians." The group did not ask any Arab and/or Muslim player and/or country to stop spewing hate and to cease slaughtering innocents.

After a bomb scare delayed the match, the unfazed Ms Pe'er displayed her commitment to peace by winning her match in straight sets.

Groups and countries have conducted anti Israel demonstrations at prior tennis events ;
the Israelis just go on to win their matches while the Arabs/Muslims continue to kill and refuse peace.

And not one group has ever protested the latter. How telling.

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