George did it

There is evidence piling up that George W. Bush is working surreptitiously to undermine the Obama presidency. We know this because we have a perfectly reliable and unimpeachable source; Barack Obama himself.


He whines, over and over again, that "....we inherited", "...from the last eight years", "...the previous administration", etc, etc.


On the first day after taking office, he signed an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay by the end of the year, thereby fulfilling a signature campaign promise.


He failed. It is clear that George undermined him by secretly urging all those countries Obama was counting on to take these "misguided youts" to just say no.


He told us he would bring peace, love, and harmony to the world, and that terrorists would no longer hate us because he would restore America's image in the world; but we are still being attacked.


George is responsible for this because he made them angry.


He told us the $787 billion stimulus package would prevent the unemployment rate from exceeding 8%; it is 10 % +, and expected to climb.


George has been traveling the country and convincing businesses to continue downsizing just to thwart Obama.


For more than a year, he has had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress, but has been unable to get all of those Democrats to come together to pass Obamacare.


George has been meeting secretly with many Democrats and has undermined their unwavering support for the " we have been waiting for."


He told us that he would make sure all of the healthcare negotiations would take place on C-Span, to provide transparency.


George has been visiting the halls of Congress late at night, and has persuaded Pelosi and Reid to ignore Obama.


George went into the states of New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts and stole the elections from the Democrats just like he stole the election from Al Gore in 2000.


George has been texting executives in the banking industry telling them to not lend money and to pay huge bonuses just to get under Obama's skin.


George went behind Obama's back and convinced the Olympic Committee to award the 2016 Olympics to Rio de Janeiro instead of Chicago, just to embarrass Obama.


Obama the whiner's agenda is being imperiled by George W. Bush, secret agent.

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