Iran refuses to accept Kerry's surrender

John Kerry's plan to go to Iran and do God knows what has been derailed by the Iranian leadership.

Evidently, they wish to receive our surrender from Obama rather than Kerry.

Bridget Johnson of The Hill writes:

Iranian legislators on Sunday decided to not allow a visit from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.), according to Iranian media.

"Members of the Iranian parliament's Foreign Relations Committee (a subcommittee of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission) voiced opposition to the request after studying the issue," Hassan Ebrahimi, head of the committee, told the semi-official Fars News Agency.

Several Iranian news outlets reported last week that Kerry had submitted an official request to visit Tehran in an emissary role.

Kerry spokesman Frederick Jones told the Wall Street Journal before Christmas, though, that no trip had been scheduled. "Is he planning now on going to Iran? The answer is no," said Jones.

When asked Sunday if Kerry had filed a travel request as claimed or if Iran had taken pre-emptive action against talk of a visit, Jones told The Hill, "John Kerry has no plans to travel to Iran."

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said last week that "legislative officials are studying the case and they are in charge for providing a response."

On Saturday, Iranian legislators stepped up the rhetoric against the news that Kerry was considering traveling to Tehran with the blessing of the White House.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has no plans to negotiate with any American official, unless the country (the U.S.) changes its policies," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Zohreh Elahian said, according to Fars News Agency.

So Kerry says through a spokesman that he has no plans to go to Iran while the Iranian government studies the question of whether he should come? Someone is lying and since the Iranians have no reason to fib, it appears that Kerry is lying about his plans.

Kerry also made a visit to Nicaragua back in the mid 1980's to bolster the communist government of Daniel Ortega while we were supplying aid to the contras to overthrow the Sandanista thugs. Unfortunately for him, he will apparently not get his photo-op with Ahmadinejad trashing his own country. They are waiting for Obama to give in so they can accept his apology in person.

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